Attending this event?

🎫 Registration

Use your school email address when registering.
  1. Click Sign up if this is your first time to use Sched OR click Log in if you already have a Sched account. If you are a new teacher or are working in a different member district next school year and don’t yet have an email address for that district, use your personal email address and enter the name of your new school district in the Company field of your profile.

  2. Enter your district/university/organization in the Company field in your profile. You can also update other profile info, privacy and notification settings. 

💳 Payment of Registration Fee

Attendees from one of our Member District do NOT pay when registering, but everyone else must submit payment in advance to secure their registration. Please see our Innovation Summit Registration web page for registration fee details. 

⭐ Sessions

This year, selecting sessions during registration is optional. Instead, you’ll have the flexibility to create a wishlist of sessions for your own reference. There will be no reserved seats, instead attendees can join any session, as long as there are seats available.
  1. Browse the schedule and view the sessions. Use the Filters available on the right-hand side to find the sessions most relevant for you.
  2. To save a session to your wishlist, click on the open circle next to the session. Keep in mind, that there will be no reserved seats, instead attendees can join any session, as long as there are seats available.There is no Submit or Save button. Your selections are saved as you click them.

Each day of the event, attendees will receive an email with the conference schedule and any sessions on their wishlist. Other options for accessing your personal schedule include:

🏬 Vendors

If you are a vendor interested in sponsoring this event, please see our Call for Vendors web page for all the details.

Friday, August 2 • 8:30am - 9:15am
Game Changing Reading Instruction: Why are some text levels so difficult?

Sign up or log in to save this to your schedule, view media, leave feedback and see who's attending!

The importance of repetition for dyslexic learners can feel insurmountable when you understand that number is between 50-500....which means the other 75% of your class is 1-49 repetitions. We are going to show you why some text levels are so difficult for all your readers and what "rules" or letter order patterns are important for students to apply to their reading in order to be proficient at each text level.


Amber Perryman

Teacher - Reading Recovery Title, Republic Schools

Michelle Rush

Teacher - Reading Recovery Title, Republic Schools

Friday August 2, 2024 8:30am - 9:15am CDT
Cooper Creek 2
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